At Ardgowan School we offer a range of clubs and events to suit everyone.
We offer a large variety of clubs including:
If we do not have enough children wanting to compete we often team up with our friends in the WRSN (Rural Schools) group to ensure everyone who wants to play has a team.
Our students also run their own competitions at school in lunchtimes showing great leadership and initiative.
We attend and host a variety of sporting events with our WRSN Schools including:
This area is also well represented at Ardgowan.
We currently have very strong choir and Kapa Haka groups and a dance club for people to join.
Our GATE group offers extension for our students, currently in art and writing.
We run an annual speech competition in school. This is followed by an inter-school competition with our WRSN Schools hosted by our Y8 Leaders.
Along with WRSN our seniors get the opportunity to attend many extra events including: